Tempura Vegetables


Tempura Vegetables


A variety of vegetables can be used, these are some of my favourites
Spring onions
Red capsicum
Kumara/sweet potato – thin discs
Green beans

½ cup flour
1 Tb cornflour
1 egg yolk
½ cup iced water + extra water

4 Tb soy sauce
2 Tb mirin
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 Tb lemon juice

Recipe by: Nici Wickes
Publication: World Kitchen (Aug 2010)
Recipe ID: 100156



In a bowl, mix the flours together. In a cup, whisk the egg yolk into the water. Add water/egg mix to the flour mixing lightly as you pour. This is the reverse to most tempura recipes that recommend adding the flour to the water/egg but I like to control the amount of liquid being added to get the right consistency. Don’t over-mix – lumps and a ring of flour around the bowl are signs of a good tempura batter! The consistency should be that of slightly thick pouring cream. Add more flour or water if required to get this consistency. 


Heat oil for deep frying. Dip each piece of vegetable in batter and then slip it into the oil. It should immediately “fizz” and float to the surface. If it sinks, oil is too cool, if it browns too quickly, it is too hot. Tempura is meant to be very light in colour, not golden. Keep adjusting temperature as you cook for best results.
Serve with the dipping sauce.


Mix all ingredients together.



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