What is MyRecipeBook?

MyRecipeBook is a name for:

  1. the Desktop Application called MyRecipeBook. This application allows registered users to store, upload, download, search & print recipes from their computer.
  2. the Website - www.myrecipebook.co.nz. This website is where you'll find the application to download to your computer and where you can set up your 'My Recipes' account. The website also holds a library of recipes, where you can choose individual recipes to save to your 'My Recipes' Account. Your 'My Recipes' can then synchronise with your MyRecipeBook application on your computer.

Essentially, MyRecipeBook enables you to store all your favourite recipes, both on your computer and in your 'My Recipes' account on the website. You can manually upload recipes to your account, or you can download recipes & articles that feature on www.myrecipebook.co.nz.

Two important features of MyRecipeBook are:

  1. Once downloaded & synchronised, you don't need an internet connection to view your files.
  2. You only load your account with recipes & articles YOU want - not 100's of recipes, you'll never use.
What's My Vision for MyRecipeBook?
Helen Syron

Hi there - I'm Helen Syron, owner of MyRecipeBook.

I really enjoy cooking and baking, and I always use recipes from magazines & cookbooks to get the best result. We read every issue of Cuisine magazine, Dish magazine & Australian Gourmet Traveller is devoured every month!

I also enjoy the convenience of the internet for finding recipes from past magazines or looking up recipes I've seen on TV, or heard on the radio. But I found that I couldn't download the recipe to an application on my computer - I was stuck with printing out the recipe, or remembering which site I found it on. So I decided to create it myself...

I found a software developer and briefed him on the idea of a searchable database that will hold just the recipes I want and be accessible without an internet connection, because when I'm away from home, I probably won't have access to one.

To make it easier to load MyRecipeBook with just my favourite recipes, I wanted to be able to download recipes from my favourite authors. So, we developed the MyRecipeBook website that can be loaded with recipes by food writers, magazines, TV shows, etc, for MyRecipeBook users to download.

I have downloaded all my favourite recipes from the World Kitchen cookbook to my own MyRecipeBook Account, and have added a few of my own favourites. Where I have read travel articles, I use the New Recipe function in the MyRecipeBook application and record key details, so I can refer back to the notes. As more food & travel writers add their recipes & articles to the website to be downloaded, I'll be sure to load my choice of those as well. The vision for MyRecipeBook is that all food writers or publishers or radio or TV shows will want to make recipes & articles available for download by Users of the MyRecipeBook application.

As young people we took an Edmonds Cookbook with us overseas, now we can just load up our laptops (and soon, our iPhones) with all our favourites on MyRecipeBook and we're set like jelly (as they say!).

I hope you find MyRecipeBook as helpful and convenient as I have!

Happy Cooking,
